the heart of my intention
When we show up to practice with devotion and trust, freedom becomes more and more tangible. Freedom from? Anything that keeps us from being connected to peace.
I am here to offer you the practices that have guided me to this freedom. The teachings that have been passed down from my teachers, and their teachers and beyond, with reverence, a sense of humor and my full heart.
Yoga reveals that connection is innate in our existence. It is effortless and present in all experiences. Through practice, the intentional connection between movement and breath illuminates the union between mind and body, and eventually, heart and universe. As these constellations of experience are found again and again, I hope that we may find guidance that serves our greatest good.
Consciousness desires expansion. Each life experience —beautiful, terrifying, tedious, pleasant — contains wisdom, a possibility for a deeper knowing. We are each on our own path in this journey, but our experiences interweave in ways that inspire the way forward.
My dream for this platform is that it may be a catalyst for a broadening awareness of the heart and its wisdom.